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Curriculum 2020

The objectives of the Computer Science Study Programme are:

  1. Produce computer science graduates who have competencies according to national and international standards, have noble personalities and have an entrepreneurial spirit.
  2. Produce both innovative and quality works and products in the field of information and computer technology by prioritizing morals and ethics and supported by sustainable resource development.
  3. Carry out activities and produce products in the field of computer science in a sustainable manner for community empowerment in order to support national development.
  4. The establishment of both national and international collaboration with various related parties in computer science clusters.


PLO1Demonstrate scientific, educational, and religious attitudes and behaviors that improve the quality of life in society, nation, and state-based on academic norms and ethics based on Tri Hita Karana values.
PLO4Mastering the theoretical concepts of computer science in general, such as mathematics, algorithms, programming, and databases
PLO5Mastering the theoretical concepts of software engineering, data science and intelligent systems, and cybersecurity and infrastructure
PLO6Mastering the operational concepts of methodologies in software development, data science, and intelligent systems, as well as infrastructure and cybersecurity in solving contextual problems that benefit society
PLO2Able to integrate learning and innovation skills, mastery of technology and information, career development, and life skills to become lifelong learners.
PLO3Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise.
PLO7Able to perform requirement analysis, design and implement as well as to evaluate enterprise software and creative technology-based products
PLO8Able to extract information from various data sources, design and implement systems for automation and effective decision making
PLO9Able to implement network-based systems, apply protection methods that threaten the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and security of information


UNDIKSHA carries out the learning process under the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Decree Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards for Higher Education. The learning process has the characteristics of interactive, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective, collaborative, and student-centered learning.

            The learning process for each course is planned and compiled in the form of Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS)  or Semester Learning Plan. This RPS is prepared by the lecturer or a group of lecturers of the same expertise in the study programme. The learning process is carried out by following the RPS that has been developed and must be carried out systematically and structured into courses with a measurable learning load.

            The learning process is conducted through interaction between lecturers, students, and other learning resources. The learning process is carried out with certain methods according to the courses’ characteristics in order to meet the learning outcomes of graduates.The chosen learning methods are  group discussions, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and case study. Other methods can also be used as long as they are inline with the graduate learning outcomes. In the running of a course, it is allowed to adopt one or more learning methods into a certain form of learning. The forms of learning can be lectures, tutorials, seminars and lab work, and fieldwork practices.

            The learning process carried out by the Computer Science Study Programme follows the standards of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, which consists of lesson plans prepared in the form of Semester Learning Plan (RPS), implementation of learning, and evaluation of learning outcomes, attendance rates of lecturers and students. Each course is equipped with a textbook/handout/lecture notes.

            One semester consists of 16 class meetings including the Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) or Mid-Semester Examination, and the Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) or Final Semester Examination. Students are eligible to take the final exam if the attendance rate is at least 75% of the meetings. The Study Programme encourages lecturers to apply student-centered learning methods, problem-based learning, or project-based learning. Lecturers have more roles as facilitators in the learning process. In the implementation of this learning process, several factors influence students, including:

  1. Students’ Internal Factors
  2. Physiological, which is related to the physical condition of students
  3. Psychological factors, which are related to intelligence, attitudes, interests, talents, student motivation, such as moods, student relationships with lecturers and fellow students
  4. Students’ External Factors
  5. Social environment
  6. Non-social environments, such as accessibility to learning resources and time constraints
  7. The learning approach, like the previous learning process, the relevance of the learning process to actual working conditions

            The learning process carried out in the Computer Science Study Program is a learning process for adults marked by a shift in learning responsibilities from lecturers to students. This change in responsibility requires students to be actively involved in the learning process (be active learners). The learning process runs interactively between lecturers and students. Learning resources can be obtained from libraries, the internet, laboratories, etc. In essence, the lecturer only acts as a facilitator. The Computer Science study programme facilitates students with computer laboratories that are open for students to use. In addition, throughout the Undiksha area, including the Computer Science study program, free Wifi access is available for students.

            Several learning methods allow students to be actively involved in learning: case studies, team discussions, project-based learning, and others. This method allows students to do many activities during and outside class, focus on the material, analytical practice skills, and receive feedback, training their social sensitivity. The following is the learning experience that students will obtain.

Course OutcomeCode of COLearning experiences
● Students can apply an attitude of tolerance and apply the noble values of Pancasila and Tri Hita Karana in a multicultural environmentCLO1Face to face, group discussion, presentation
● Students can explain the basic concepts of computer scienceCLO2Face-to-face, group discussions, presentations, seminars, group projects
● Students can explain mathematical and logical concepts that support the scientific field of computer scienceCLO3Face to face, group discussion, presentation
● Students can explain expertise in other fields of science
● Students can identify scientific topics outside the field of Computer Science
CLO4Face-to-face, group discussions, presentations, independent projects, group projects
● Students can communicate effectively
● Students can explore creative and innovative ideas
CLO5Face-to-face, group discussions, presentations, seminars, group projects
● Students can think systematically in analyzing problems according to their scientific field
● Students can design solutions to existing problems according to their scientific field
● Students can apply effective problem-solving methods
CLO6Face-to-face, group discussions, presentations, seminars, independent projects
● Students can think systematically in analyzing and designing software and database solutions
● Students can apply effective methods in developing software and databases
● Students can develop and evaluate software and database solutions
CLO7Face to face, group discussion, presentation, lab work, independent project, group project
● Students can think systematically in choosing information technology architecture
● Students can analyze information technology infrastructure needs
● Students can design information technology infrastructure solutions
CLO8Face to face, group discussion, presentation, lab work, independent project, group project
● Students can think systematically in analyzing and designing intelligent system solutions
● Students can apply effective methods in developing intelligent systems
● Students can implement and evaluate intelligent systems
CLO9Face to face, group discussion, presentation, lab work, independent project, group project


The assessment of the learning is an evaluation of the students’ learning processes and accomplishments throughout the semester, referring to the students’ learning outcomes and graduates learning outcomes that have been specified by the study programme. It is related to assessment principles, assessment techniques and instruments, assessment mechanisms and procedures, assessment implementation, assessment reporting, and student learning achievements.

The principles of the assessment include the principles of educative, authentic, objective, accountable, and transparent which are performed in an integrated manner. The techniques in assessing the students’ learning process and outcomes can be performed using observation, participation, performance, written tests, oral tests, and questionnaires. The instruments used to assess the learning process are in the form of a rubric and/or in the form of a portfolio, while the observation can be used to assess the attitude. The assessment of the mastery of knowledge, general skills, and special skills is done by using one or a combination of various assessment techniques and instruments (e.g: observation, participation, performance, written test, oral test, and questionnaire).             Assessment of student learning outcomes can be assessed when the face-to-face lecture has met the target of 75% of the 16 meetings (the number of meetings ineffective learning) and the lab work meeting has been accomplished 100%. If these requirements have not been met, the lecturer must give additional meeting(s) and provide an evaluation before submitting grades. For students who do not attend lectures with a target of at least 75% of the number of effective lectures, the student concerned is not allowed to take the final semester exam in the subject concerned. The value of the subject in question is E. The assessment reference for all courses uses Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP) or  the Benchmark Reference Assessment which can be seen in the following table.

Percentile ScoreScale ValueLetter Score

In the administrative process, the creditable value is C and above. For the S1 Programme, the D test score can be credited if it can be compensated with B or A scores obtained from other courses in the same group, and the credit weight is not less than the compensated course. The number of D grades that can be compensated at the end of the programme is a maximum of 10 credits. Specifically for Religion and Pancasila courses, the minimum score is C, while the minimum value for PPL courses is B and cannot be compensated. Each study programme determines more detailed compensation rules. In comparison, the test score of E cannot be credited. Students who get an E grade must re-enter lectures in the relevant subject in the next odd/even semester, provided that the credit study load is taken into account in setting the maximum credit limit that can be taken in that semester.

OutcomesKinds of AssessmentTime
PEO1, PEO2, PEO3•       Employer satisfaction surveyFew years after graduation
•       Alumni Survey
PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6, PLO7, PLO8, PLO9•       Instructor evaluation reportUpon graduation
•       Department/Study Programme performance Report
•       Student exit survey
CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO6, CLO7, CLO8, CLO9•       Direct assessmentUpon course completion
•       End of the course assessment
•       Semester performance report
•       Students report/comments


The Computer Science Study Programme curriculum is based on the Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) or Indonesian National Qualifications Framework level 6. Curriculum evaluation and updating are prepared based on several references from within the country and abroad and involve several stakeholders from internal and external parties. The main reference used refers to the Academic Paper of the KKNI for the Informatics and Computer Sciences Group compiled by the Association for Higher Education in Informatics and Computers (APTIKOM). The second reference refers to the IEEE/ACM Computer Science Curricula.

            The curriculum was prepared to invite several internal stakeholders such as curriculum experts at Undiksha and collaborate with related study programmes. From external parties, curriculum evaluation involves experts from the ICT industry, such as from the software development industry (software house) and several experts from government agencies working in the ICT field. In terms of meeting the development of science and technology and user needs, several things are considered very important related to the compiled curriculum. Among them are increasing the number of credits for courses related to the use of English (with the hope that graduates can compete abroad) and holding cross-study courses (to enrich the knowledge of graduates to face the dynamic world of work). Recognition in the MBKM programme is also stated in the curriculum, where students can take the MBKM programme in semesters 6 and 7.

Computer Science study programme divides courses into five categories which are:

Prodi Ilmu Komputer membagi mata kuliah menjadi 5 kategori, yaitu:

  1. Mata Kuliah Wajib Umum (MKWU) or Compulsory Courses;
  2. Mata Kuliah Inti Keilmuan (MKIK) or Core Study Courses;
  3. Mata Kuliah Keilmuan Bidang Studi (MKBS) or Field of Study Courses;
  4. Mata Kuliah Iptek Pendukung (MKIP) or Supporting Science and Technology Courses; and
  5. Mata Kuliah Penciri Institusi (MKPI) or Educational Science Courses .

            The MKWU is a group of compulsory courses for the students of Undiksha to pass during their studies. The MKIK consists of required courses to be taken by the Computer Science Study Programme students. The courses included in MKBS are courses specifically offered by the Study Programme and developed based on the current trend in the related fields. The MKIP contains the supporting courses from the outside of the study programme. Meanwhile, the MKPI is the group of courses that uniquely characterizes the university.

            MKWU, MKIK, and MKPI contain required courses for the students, consisting of 36 courses or equivalent to 98 credits. The MKBS and MKIP consist of several courses that students can choose, where the study programme determines the number of courses that should be taken. The MKBS is a group of courses taken by students based on the targeted specialty and has already been discussed with the academic supervisor. The Computer Science Study Programme has specified that students should take seven courses or 21 credits for this course group. The MKIP courses are provided to prepare the students to have excellent soft skills, interpersonal skills and expand their knowledge outside of the computer science field. Ten courses from the MKIP group have to be passed by the Computer Science Study Programme students or equal to 26 credits.

            Several considerations were taken regarding the curriculum development to align with the current technology-oriented proficiency requirements. The addition of the English-based courses and the enforcement of interdisciplinary courses are two major implementations to improve students’ competitiveness. English is the widely used international language, while the interdisciplinary study could enrich the graduates’ knowledge to face the dynamic world of work. The MBKM program’s recognition should be included in the curriculum, and therefore the students could take the MBKM programme in semesters 6 and 7. Furthermore, students are required to complete their thesis or final project, which is equal to 6 credits included in the MKIK group. Therefore, the students should pass 145 credits during their studies.

            Based on the SN-DIKTI, the conversion of 1 credit is equal to 170 minutes of course weekly. There are three modes of courses: the face-to-face class, the tutorial/seminar, and the lab work course. The face-to-face model consists of 50 minutes of face-to-face (theoretical) class activity, 60 minutes of structured activities, and 60 minutes of independent activity. The tutorial/seminar mode consists of 100 minutes of face-to-face activity and 70 minutes of independent activity. Meanwhile, the lab work course consists of 170 minutes of lab activities. There are a total of 14 meetings for each course in one semester. The accumulation of minutes used by the students for their activities is 2.720 minutes or 45.3 hours for each credit per semester. Referring to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), one ECTS equals 25 hours per semester. Therefore, the students will spend 238 minutes or 39.6 hours per semester in a semester. Since one credit is equal to 1.5 ECTS, therefore the total of 145 credits will be equivalent to 217.5 ECTS.

The following is the distribution of subject categories in the Computer Science study programme:

NumberCourse CategoryCredits
Numbers OfferedStudents’ Obligation
1Mata Kuliah Wajib Umum (MKWU) 2010
Compulsory Courses
2Mata Kuliah Inti Keilmuan (MKIK)8686
Core Study Courses
3Mata Kuliah Keilmuan Bidang Studi (MKBS)6321
Field of Study Courses
4Mata Kuliah Iptek Pendukung (MKIP)2626
Supporting Science and Technology Courses
5Mata Kuliah Penciri Institusi (MKPI)22
Educational Science Courses

The following is the curriculum structure of the Computer Science study programme by category:Mata Kuliah Wajib Umum (MKWU) or Compulsory Courses:

Course CodeCourseCreditsSemester
KOMS120208Civic Education22
KOMS120212Catholic christianity*22
KOMS120213Protestant Christianity*22


* Students choose one of 6 religion courses.

Mata Kuliah Inti Keilmuan (MKIK) or Core Study Courses

Course CodeCourseCreditsSemester
KOMS120101Basic Math33
KOMS120102Algorithms and Programming33
KOMS120103Digital System33
KOMS120104Introduction to Information Technology33
KOMS120105Human Computer Interaction#33
KOMS120202Data Structures and Algorithms33
KOMS120203Computer Architecture and Organization33
KOMS120205Data Communication33
KOMS120206Algorithm and Programming Lab11
KOMS120207Database Lab11
KOMS120301Linear Algebra33
KOMS120302Object Oriented Programming33
KOMS120304Discrete Mathematics33
KOMS120305Numerical Method33
KOMS120306Web Technology33
KOMS120307Computer Network33
KOMS120308Computers and Society22
KOMS120309Computer Network Lab11
KOMS120401Operating System33
KOMS120402Research Methodology33
KOMS120403Algorithm Design and Analysis33
KOMS120404Artificial Intelligence33
KOMS120405Distributed System33
KOMS120406Software Engineering33
KOMS120407Data Science33
KOMS120408Object-Oriented Design and Analysis33

Mata Kuliah Keilmuan Bidang Studi (MKBS) or Field of Study Courses

Course CodeCourseCreditsSemester
KOMS120501Service-Oriented Architecture*33
KOMS120502Mobile Application Development*33
KOMS120503Information Retrieval**33
KOMS120504Data Mining**33
KOMS120505Inter-Network Technology***33
KOMS120506Information Security***33
KOMS120603Software Testing*33
KOMS120604Software Project Management*33
KOMS120605Creative Technology Development*33
KOMS120606Expert System**33
KOMS120607Digital Image Processing**33
KOMS120608Pattern Recognition**33
KOMS120609Internet of Things***33
KOMS120610Cyber Security***33
KOMS120611Parallel Computing***33
KOMS120705Geographic Information System*33
KOMS120706Enterprise Architecture *33
KOMS120708Decision Support System**33
KOMS120709Data Center Architecture***33
KOMS120710Cloud Computing***33


*          Software Engineering Concentration Elective Courses

**        Elective Courses Concentration of Data Science and Intelligent Systems

***      Elective Courses Concentration Infrastructure and Network Security

Mata Kuliah Iptek Pendukung (MKIP) or Supporting Science and Technology Courses

Course CodeCourseCreditsSemester
KOMS120507Interdisciplinary Course 133
KOMS120508Interdisciplinary Course 233
KOMS120509Interdisciplinary Course 333
KOMS120510Community Engagement44
KOMS120601Capita Selecta33
KOMS120602English Communication22
KOMS120702Professional Ethics22
KOMS120703English for Information Technology22
KOMS120704Interpersonal Skill22

Mata Kuliah Penciri Institusi (MKPI) or Educational Science Courses

Course CodeCourseCreditsSemester
KOMS120507Interdisciplinary Course 133
KOMS120508Interdisciplinary Course 233
KOMS120509Interdisciplinary Course 333
KOMS120510Community Engagement44
KOMS120601Capita Selecta33
KOMS120602English Communication22
KOMS120702Professional Ethics22
KOMS120703English for Information Technology22
KOMS120704Interpersonal Skill22