Welcome to the Computer Science Study Programme!
Computer Science is one of the new study programmes at the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The Computer Science Study Programme is a study programme with a bachelor’s degree. The Computer Science Study Programme was established in 2018
At first, this study programme was taught by lecturers from the Informatics Management Associate Degree study programme who were still in the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational. It is hoped that with the help of professional and experienced lecturers, they can provide good development for the advancement of the Computer Science study programme.
Currently, the Computer Science study programme has three batches, with a total of 103 students. The Computer Science Study Programme has activities that support the Tri Dharma of higher education. In addition, students of Computer Science study programmes form science communities in accordance with the field of Computer Science. The communities are the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) communities. It aims to broaden students’ knowledge and improve achievement in the field of Computer Science.