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Student Admission

Admission of new students in the Computer Science study program is accepted in three (3) ways. The new student admissions are SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SNMPTN.


SNMPTN is a selection made by each PTN under the coordination of the National Committee, based on the results of tracking the academic achievements of prospective students. SNMPTN is followed by State Universities (PTN) determined by the Indonesian State University Chancellor Council (MRPTNI), in an integrated system and held simultaneously. The cost of implementing the SNMPTN is borne by the government so that participants are not charged a selection fee. SNMPTN participants who are economically disadvantaged and are declared accepted at a PTN have the opportunity to receive tuition assistance during the study period through the “Bidikmisi” program.


SBMPTN is a selection by state universities jointly under the coordination of the Central Committee with selection based on the results of a written test in printed form (Paper Based Testing) or using a computer (Computer Based Testing), or a combination of the results of a written test and a skill test of prospective students. The financing of the SBMPTN implementation is borne by the selection participants and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. SBMPTN participants from economically disadvantaged families and have high academic achievements can participate in the SBMPTN without being burdened with fees but financed through the Bidikmisi tuition assistance fund. SBMPTN information includes: general terms and conditions, procedures for payment of selection fees, registration procedures, implementation schedule, and number of choices for PTN and study programs.



Admission consists of 2 ways, namely SMBJM Interests and Talents (D3 Special) and CBT SMBJM (D3 and S1). For complete information regarding the schedule, registration procedures and so on, updates can be seen on the student admissions portal: https://undiksha.ac.id/pmb