Home » Profile of the Bachelor Degree of Computer Science Study Programme

Profile of the Bachelor Degree of Computer Science Study Programme

The proposed Computer Science Study Programme (PS) was triggered by the demands of the rapid development of information technology. Moreover, the life of modern society in the future will be identical with the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in various aspects of life. The field of computer science itself is also justified by various professional associations related to ICT such as IEEE, ACM, and AIS. Therefore, to expand UNDIKSHA’s mandate as a university, it is proposed that the Computer Science Study Programme is proposed. The establishment of the Computer Science Study Programme is of course intended for the wider community to obtain an education with a focus on the field of computer science. Furthermore, the Computer Science Study Programme also provides opportunities for D3 (Associate Degree) Informatics Management graduates who are currently also under the auspices of UPPS to be able to continue to a higher strata (S1 or Bachelor Degree). In addition, the existence of the same study programme at the master’s level can certainly provide a more complete path for the community to study in the field of computer science.

Computer Science Study Programme Undiksha has a graduate profile as follows:

  • Software engineer
    • Acts as a systems analyst and/or software developer and its database.
  • Data scientists and experts in the field of intelligent systems
    • Able to build intelligent systems to solve various problems by leveraging large amounts of diverse data.
  • Expert in the field of network infrastructure and security
    • Act as a designer and builder of networks and infrastructure on a small and large scale, and perform maintenance and maintain network security