Undiksha Informatics Department invited Dr. James Tuite from the Open University, UK, to enrich and introduce research topics to lecturers and students. The Guest Lecture and Research Sharing event was held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at the Gedung Seminar Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja. This Guest Lecture and Research […]
Research Collaboration and Academic Activities with The KMUTT Geospatial Engineering and Innovation Center (KGEO).
The Computer Science Program Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha has entered into a collaboration with KGEO for research collaboration. Two research projects have been proposed as part of this collaboration. These research projects are submitted in the form of international collaborative research. The titles of the research projects are as follows: Title […]
This project is a project that is carried out independently/individually with the theme of IOT. The project created is a tool that can be used to assist UPTTIK staff in monitoring the server room. This project develops IoT using ESP 8266 and several sensors. ESP 8266 is a microcontroller that […]
The INSYS team is one of 3 teams participating in the Even Semester 2021/2022 Student Independent Study/Project. The INSYS team raised the theme of face detection using the Local Binary Patterns Histograms (LBPH) method. LBPH is one of the well-known methods in recognizing an object and distinguishing objects from the […]
Security Network Design Using PSAD with Fwsnort and Honeypot at UPT ITK (ICT) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
The Computer Science Study Programme holds an independent study programme in which each student team makes a project according to their specialization which is then equated with the appropriate courses . The cyber team implemented an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) which is a security system for servers. This IPS security […]
Training and Sertification
Program Studi Ilmu Komputer bekerja sama dengan Trust Academic Solution, Microsoft Learning Partner resmi di Indonesia, menawarkan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi di bidang teknologi informasi melalui dua program, Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) dan Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA). Uji sertifikasi yang ditempuh adalah ujian yang digelar resmi oleh Microsoft Corp. Sertifikasi […]