Guest Lecture and Research Sharing from Dr. James Tuite from the Open University, UK.

Undiksha Informatics Department invited Dr. James Tuite from the Open University, UK, to enrich and introduce research topics to lecturers and students. The Guest Lecture and Research Sharing event was held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at the Gedung Seminar Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja.

This Guest Lecture and Research Sharing aims to introduce various research topics in Graph Theory to students in the Informatics Engineering Department. This activity aims to strengthen the mathematical foundation of students in the Informatics Department, especially because mathematics is the root of Computer Science. In addition, it is hoped that this Guest Lecture and Research Sharing can provide insight to students regarding research topics in Graph Theory and other fields of science related to Combinatorial Mathematics and develop a collaborative network for the Informatics Engineering Department with foreign partners.

This event took place in two sessions. The morning session activity was a Guest Lecture with the theme “Graph Theory as I Have Known It.” In this session, Dr. James Tuite explains the big picture of the Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science research process, especially Graph Theory. Dr. James Tuite explains the concepts of graph theory and related research topics. The speaker motivates students regarding research procedures, such as choosing a topic, carrying out research, submitting research articles, etc. On the other hand, the student participants, some of whom were International Class Initiation students in the Informatics Department, looked enthusiastic and actively asked questions. The activity continued in the afternoon session with a research-sharing agenda, with the theme “General Position and Other Problems” attended by lecturers in Informatics and Mathematics. In this session, Dr. James Tuite explained his research projects in the field of Combinatorial Mathematics, including General Position Problems, Monophonic Position Problems, Vertex Position Problems, and Lower Position Problems, along with various open problems that have the potential to collaborate with lecturers and researchers in the fields of informatics and mathematics.

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