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Research and PkM

Computer Science Study Programme Faculty of Engineering and Vocational of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha is actively conducting research and community service activities.

Several research grants have been received by Computer Science lecturers in 2020. The resulting research is disseminated in the form of publications and teaching materials. The grant was not only received by the individual lecturer, but also the Data Science research group which was just formed at the end of 2019.

The academic community of the computer science study programme is also active in educating the nation’s life as outlined in one of the tri dharma forms of higher education, namely community service activities. The target of the service is not only tourism-aware groups, but also vocational high school education and the equivalent. Of course, this is done in an effort to convey knowledge, especially the latest knowledge in the field of computer science and informatics.

Community service activities that have been carried out in 2020 are Augmented Reality training for SMK N 1 Sukasada, Digital Commercialization Training for the Ambengan Tourism Area and Socialization of the Utilization of the Ambengan Visit Information System. All three studies were funded by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

Augmented Reality training is based on the widespread use of this technology. In addition, SMK N 1 Sukasada has considerable potential in human resources and infrastructure. Service activities are carried out from the process of determining markers and coding for asset behavior. AR training conducted using the Vuforia platform.

Other service activities are commercialization training and socialization of the ambengan visit information system. This activity was carried out in the tourism awareness group of the Ambengan area. The tourism potential in the Ambengan area is very large. There are several waterfalls that have their own uniqueness. This is not yet known by domestic and foreign tourists. For this reason, training on the use of social media and making a logo that is used as a tourist identity is carried out in these service activities.